Ambivert: both extrovert and introvert. How is this possible?
5 min readAug 3, 2022


“Word is silver; silence is gold.” Have you heard that saying? Of course, because it is already quite old and … irrelevant. After all, flexibility can take the platinum in this confrontation. And if we talk about interaction with people — ambiverts.

Extraversion and introversion

Let’s look at what the differences are.

The introvert can be defined as someone who draws energy from being in their own company, having time to “recharge” on their own. An introvert may seem withdrawn and shy, although this is not always the case [P. M. Carrigan, 1960].

Signs that you may be an introvert:

  • you have a small group of close friends;
  • you are thoughtful;
  • you get energy from being alone;
  • you tend to hide your emotions;
  • you are reserved in large groups or among strangers;
  • you feel drained by people;
  • you learn well through observation.

Extroverts get their energy from interacting with other people. They may seem very talkative and popular with their peers.

You can be an extrovert if you:

  • Enjoy your being out in the community;
  • draw attention to yourself;
  • get energy from interacting with others;
  • make friends with many people;
  • work for the outside world;
  • prefer to talk rather than write.

Introverts are less interested in the external rewards and stimuli that give extroverts life meaning: active communication, the approval of others, money, or fame. And this turned out to be due to their physiology.

Psychologist Colin De Young of the University of Minnesota first drew attention. It turned out that extroverts have a more active dopamine reward system, so they need constant stimulation from the outside.

However, among our readers, there are probably those who can not decide what brings them more pleasure. They can probably be classified as ambiverts.

Who is an ambivert?

In simple terms, an ambivert is someone who exhibits both introversion and extraversion and can “transform” into either category depending on mood, context, and goals.

The main characteristic of an ambivert is that they can easily switch between the two types of behavior. Whereas for extroverts and introverts, taking on a different way of thinking means expending more energy, for an ambivert, it means adjusting to the situation and recharging from what is available.

On the other hand, a characteristic feature of ambiverts is that they cannot be on one of the poles all the time: they need to change roles in one way or another, recharging now from communication, now from contemplation of pictures.

If you are still unsure whether ambiverts applies to you, here are some signs you can try on for yourself:

  • I can do tasks alone/alone or in a group. I don’t have a particular preference.
  • Social contact doesn’t make me uncomfortable, but I get tired of interacting with people.
  • Being the center of attention is fun, but I wouldn’t say I like it to last.
  • Some people think I’m quiet/silent, and others think I’m very outgoing/sociable.
  • I don’t always need to move, but too much free time makes me bored.
  • I can get bogged down in my thoughts as quickly as I can get bogged down in conversation.
  • Small talk doesn’t make me uncomfortable, but it gets boring.
  • When it comes to trusting other people, sometimes I am skeptical, and sometimes I am immediately ready/ready to bond.
  • If I spend too much time alone, I get bored, but too much time with other people makes me feel exhausted

How to become an ambivert?

Ambivertism is a psychological characteristic that is quite difficult to develop in oneself. However, we will remind you of the influence of your attitude on human behavior and assure you that even as a hardened introvert, you can begin to apply the principles of an extrovert and vice versa. It won’t make you an ambivert, but it will bring you closer to doing things more effectively.

So, here are some tips on how you can change yourself to get closer to the ambivert type:

  • Consider friendship in depth, but don’t lock yourself into a narrow circle. You shouldn’t be superficial and collect a collection of acquaintances, but you also need to expand your boundaries and let more people in.
  • Develop empathy in yourself. An ambivert desperately needs to feel people take a particular approach in communication with them and understand their requests.
  • Learn to choose a comfortable solution for themselves. First of all, for this, it is necessary to learn to understand oneself and to know one’s priorities. And then, starting from your own needs, choose a way of behavior.
  • Pay attention to your appearance. It is worth bringing your appearance to a more standard image — not to stand out but not to merge with the gray wall. Then communication with people will be more accessible.
  • Look positively into the future based on reality. It has been proved that extroverts are more optimistic about the future than introverts, but it can lead them to pipe dreams. Therefore, strategic thinking, an assessment of reality, and a pinch of positivity are helpful.
  • Observe people who are very different from you, accept them and learn from them. Multiculturalism is one trait especially valued these days and is inherent in those who interact with people extensively and effectively.
  • Be open to experimentation. It’s worth observing yourself beforehand, identifying your usual ways of thinking and behaving, and then allowing yourself to try other formats in a safe environment.
  • Learn how to conduct “small talk. To do this, you can gather a list of appropriate topics, prepare talking points and rehearse them (if you need to). This way, you can support any conversation within a limited time.
  • Develop practical communication skills. For some, it’s about learning to speak more, louder, and more clearly; for others, it’s about learning to listen and accept another’s position.

Ambiverts are flexible and stress-resistant, along with stability all in one. Although it is not easy for them to catch inner harmony, they broadcast confidence in interaction and find an approach to any person. They are approached for support and advice; they are admired, although they are not always easy to understand.


We are interested in watching your inner development and self-awareness. Ambivertism is an exciting type of human thinking. Not many people know about ambiverts, so it’s an excellent topic for ideas.

You can share your opinion about ambivert theory, characterize your personality trait, and define yourself as an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert. In this article, we have shared criteria that will help you determine which personality trait you belong to.

So if you’re interested in this topic, don’t delay and share your thoughts on Inite! Earn it and don’t forget to relax!

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