7 min readJun 15, 2022


One of the popular theories today is that you should work on all areas of your life simultaneously. The soul, body, business, and relationships all have to be “pumped” in parallel. But it is interesting how one can concentrate on four such voluminous spheres of life in parallel?

Working on all fronts at once is only possible when you support them. This is stage two. You already have a family; you already have a business you want to develop; you’re already doing well with physical activity and health — you need to support that effectively and daily. Then the story about working on all fronts at once is about you. But if you and your life need a significant overhaul, it’s time to recreate yourself, then trying to “lift” every area at once is likely to result in you not pulling through and becoming even more frustrated with your attempts. This is a very energy-consuming process that requires a clear focus on the task. First, the foundation in the form of a relationship with yourself, and then sphere by sphere, you build your life the way you want it to be.

Only three things determine your success or failure along the way: clear focus, regularity, and the ability to cut out the unnecessary. And the sharper the direction, the greater the speed of your change in a particular area. And while you are trying to do “everything at once,” you are like that turtle who proudly holds her head up and believes in the best of everything, without realizing that she has thought this way for the past ten years but has not yet seen much change.


Some people stumble on the idea that life’s work must be the only one. They say that there is a mystery sent from above, which you have to solve first (find your purpose), and then it will make you happy for life. You have to look for it very carefully. I’ve never met anyone who is looking for something. Have you? But people who do their work well and with soul feel good even without all these questions.

A person who broadcasts the search will only get new reasons to search. Thoughts are material. If your thoughts are searching — then your world is also exploring with you.

This state can last for a long time until you get tired or have an epiphany:

One cannot find oneself; one can only create oneself. The same goes for your work and your Way.

The first thing I want to say about your work is that it doesn’t have to be a one-off for life. It can change from stage to stage depending on your progress towards the light. If a process used to be fun and exciting and you feel bored and don’t want to do it at all, it doesn’t mean you were wrong in the past; it just means: “Long live the next phase.”

But it’s also true that the further you progress in knowing yourself and the world, the clearer your understanding becomes and the more stable your choices become.

Consistency is a sign of mastery. But it is the dynamic constancy of the tightrope walker, who keeps his balance and does not fall steadily while on the cantata, and not the so-called stagnation when nothing happens, and nothing changes consciously, only years go by. Such constancy is a sign of decay and atrophy of many of your faculties.

Moving from one stage to another is valuable and practical; jumping from side to side and rushing from case to case signifies infantilism and immaturity. There is a fine line between these states, which is determined by your underlying motivations. If you’re looking for a topic that will fill you with happiness overnight and forever, that’s kindergarten; keep looking. If you want to understand how you can maximize your talents and abilities (not without overcoming and reasonable effort), it is a sign that you are ready to find that process.


There comes a moment, and its name is probably “stage two,” when you want to do your own thing. To be a creator in the complete sense of the word and to create your reality in the form of business as you see it.

If there is a more tragic fool than the businessman who has no idea that it is in him that the supreme creative spirit is hidden, it is the artist who sees the businessman as an enemy

“Atlanta has spread his shoulders.”

To create yourself anew in business is to choose what you like and start doing it with the courage of a samurai and the attentiveness of the very rope-walker who moves step by step in the direction he wants, skillfully balancing any life circumstance on the delicate rope of his intention. No one but you knows whether you will succeed or not. You have to decide for yourself.

It’s impossible to stay on such a rope without moving; you can move forward and keep your balance only by taking steps and looking carefully under your feet (and not at the backs of your more successful comrades).

Take a swing at more, and you’ll feel a surge of energy, take a step forward and then the next and discover a quiet, lasting joy that has nothing to do with the taste of consumption, where you ‘eat’ emotions and experiences.

“Achieving goals can’t bring true satisfaction,” those who like to say that by goals they mean apartment-car-English and travel. True satisfaction comes from the creative process of creating your own business, whatever it may be, from embroidery to opening a canning factory, if that is your passion and ability. And the fruits of these activities, that is, the results (in the form of money), is a beautiful dessert, but not the only food that should fill us.

Now that you’ve read this far (which is no less than the 5th Word document), I guess you’re ready to hear something else, and I’m going to talk without any filters. I’ll tell you right off the bat you won’t like it, but my goal on this project is not to please.


A hobby is a compromise with your favorite thing to do, and nothing kills a dream-like settlement.

You seem to love doing something, but you devote to this process the crumbs of time that remain from all other tasks. An exciting activity for which you have an aptitude gets leftovers from your life’s table. You can never be a creator in this way. You cannot engage professionally and fully in things that don’t take up enough of your time. You also can’t focus clearly since you still have much to do.

I’ve never had a hobby in the classic sense; every time I’ve found something I like, I’ve tried and put it on a professional path to give it my all. This has been the case with a long journey, blogging, and my online project. That allows me to reap the results and keep investing, thereby nurturing the process and feeling the return in the form of joy, rather than just being content with the idea of “I have a hobby,” “I have something I like.”

Talent will ruin you if you don’t develop the necessary skills through hard work.

У. Smith

Do you have a hobby? Think about who is the number one hobbyist in the world today. Look at that person, not down at the top as we are used to doing, but as an equal. He is an ordinary person, just like you. See his journey: what he had to give up, where he took risks, stood his ground and didn’t flinch, and then go back to the phrase “doing his thing with the courage of a samurai.” These people deserve their first place, and anyone with a hobby but no time for it gets what they deserve too. The world is divine. You reap what you sow.

The task of man is to determine as early as possible what he likes to do (the very climbing of the mountain through conscious doing) and to reach a professional level to make money on it and be able to invest even more in his favorite process, constantly increasing his proficiency. This is growth and conscious doing, not a bribe to your soul to please yourself when you have a spare moment.


Our app is not just a place to develop but also an excellent tool for finding yourself. Dreaming and taking risks is sometimes not as easy as it may seem because we get used to the routine; it becomes our ‘comfort zone,’ and it’s hard to get out of it.

So how can generating ideas help? It is straightforward; you can get out of your comfort zone in small steps, starting with ideas. Your dream translates into your thoughts, and by writing them out, you put everything “in order” in your head. This is how Inite helps you keep dreaming, make informed decisions and find a new you.

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The Web3 mindfulness app for supporting your mental health and enhancing creativity. Join daily meditations and ideas sharing in Inite!

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