What does concentration consist of?
Bill Gates called concentration the essential quality which should be developed in every person. It is impossible not to agree with him because engagement is closely connected with attention and memory, developed intellect and thinking (including creativity). Thus, we can say that if you know how to concentrate, then you are an intelligent person and can notice and remember a lot of things.
Concentration is somehow related to all the skills that a person engaged in self-development strives to develop. Do you want to write a novel, a painting, or a song? It isn’t easy to create without the ability to concentrate. Want to become a master of communication, speak in public with a speech, learn by heart, and not forget anything? Train your memory, be attentive, and not be distracted by anything.
What does this mean for you and me? Only one thing: concentration can be improved by developing attention, memory, creative thinking, and intelligence. And vice versa. So let’s find out how we can improve engagement. We’ll give a few tips, then a dozen exercises, followed by some of the most curious exercise apps for the phone and computer. All together will provide excellent results.
How do you develop concentration?
Remove all distractions
This is the first thing you should do. You can practice as much as you like, but if the environment interferes, it will be of little use. Find yourself a quiet place or eliminate any stimuli.
Take notes
Make small 3-cm by 5-cm cards. When your mind wanders while you’re reading or working, mark it on them. It’s essential to divide them into three colors and times of day: morning, afternoon, and evening (green, red, and yellow). After a few days, you’ll find that this simple trick helps you get less distracted.
Awareness of the problem is the first step, so this method teaches you to pay attention to it. It allows you to increase your concentration level without much effort, just by reminding yourself to stay focused. With this method, you will also see which times of the day are more or less productive; you will understand how your concentration level decreases after a meal, an argument, and how it increases after a walk and a light snack.
Use the spider technique
What will a spider do if you quietly strike a tuning fork not far from his web? He will crawl out to see what happened, his curiosity piqued. But if you repeat this trick several times, the spider will no longer respond to the sounds. He knows what to expect, so he ignores them.
What does all this mean? Expect distractions and try not to react to extraneous sounds. A door slamming, a bird whistles, a neighbor banging upstairs — whatever the stimulus, keep your focus on your task. Surprisingly, after a while, you will stop being aware of and responding to the sounds around you.
Consume foods that are good for concentration
Blueberries. It contains many natural antioxidants that increase blood flow and brain activity.
Green tea. It has caffeine and, more importantly, large amounts of L-Theanine.
Greens. Chlorophyll contains many carotenoids, which increase blood flow, as well as B vitamins, which enhance memory.
Fatty fish. Fish, such as salmon or cod, are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, good for the brain.
Stay in a mindful state
This advice comes up a lot in the self-development literature, but what can you do — this ability solves many problems. Awareness is the ability to notice. And it’s not just seeing the world around you but also your inner processes. It means that you can control your attention and concentration if you are aware.
The easiest and most effective way is to focus entirely on what you are doing. Eating — thoroughly enjoy the process of eating. Washing dishes — think only of them and your washing technique. Not only will the most mundane procedures allow you to enjoy yourself, but you can also increase both your level of awareness and your level of concentration!
This is extremely difficult. Sometimes you will be angry at yourself for forgetting about the present. But don’t panic: now that you have remembered it, you are here and now. Each week you will increase the amount of consciously lived time.
Life-Hacks to develop concentration
The uniqueness of almost all concentration exercises is their simplicity. We’d love to share them with you!
Word count
Pick up a book or magazine and count the number of words in one paragraph. Count them again to ensure you didn’t get it wrong the first time. You can start with one section, and as you get used to it, move on to counting words in two paragraphs.
Then move on to full-page word counts. Make sure you do the counting mentally and only with your eyes, not pointing your finger at each word. This is one of the simplest but most effective exercises for improving concentration.
Subtract in your mind from 1,000 one unit at a time. If too easy, subtract 2, 7, 9, or any more significant number.
Without words
Take a small, simple object, such as a spoon, fork, cup, or glass. Now focus on it, observing it from all sides without verbalization, that is, without words in your mind. Just focus on following the object closely without thinking about it.
Concentration from within
This exercise will allow you to focus from the inside out. Start by relaxing your muscles gently. Now focus on your heartbeat without paying attention to anything else. Think about your heart and how it pumps blood to every part of your body. As you do so, try to “see” the blood leaving your seat and trace how it flows in a single stream straight to your toes.
Deep Breathing
Sit in a chair in an upright position, keeping your back high. With one finger pressed against your right nostril, take a deep, deep breath. Breathe calmly, count to ten, then push the air out. Repeat this exercise with the other nostril. Workout 20 times a day.
Inite helps players supplement their life system. All the ideas you create will find practical application in life. Inite challenges you to develop your creativity so that you don’t have to struggle with a “white sheet,” The tasks are elementary and will interest everyone. Plus, we motivate our players. Our game will always help you focus on everyday tasks. All you have to do is set a daily reminder and try to generate ideas simultaneously.
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