Discomfort should be strived for. Sometimes. To avoid getting frozen in one place and covered in dust, you must challenge yourself from time to time. Further in the article, we will tell you why to do it, how to do it and what is the reason why people want to stay under the warm plaid of a gradually going away life.
Reasons to step out of your comfort zone
You can find many answers to your questions
If you like to read and are interested in the world, you probably ask yourself many questions. The trouble is, the answers are only theoretical. When you step out of your comfort zone, you can see the natural world and learn to experience it.
You learn to control yourself and your life
The more challenges you pose to yourself, the more often you will test your capabilities. You may find that you are much stronger and more confident than before.
You let go of your perfectionism
Many people step out of their comfort zone to rush into action without waiting for the right time, which may never come. For example, they decide to write a book in three months, no matter what it takes and the outcome. Without that, the writing process could stretch on for years. That’s how perfectionism dies because there isn’t enough time for it.
You’ll feel alive
Most people spend their lives on automatic. Stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to feel like a living person, with all their strengths and weaknesses.
You will develop and strengthen your character
It’s hard to develop character while sitting on the couch. However, if you decide, for example, to create a startup, it will force you to act on your limits. You’ll have to learn a lot, make many decisions, and take a lot of action. As Richard Branson used to say, “You just jump in, and the safety net will show up.”
You’ll boost your confidence
You’ve probably noticed that when confronted with something unknown, at first, you feel a lot of discomforts, and then your brain starts to think so well that it finds a way out of the situation. This makes you proud of yourself and increases your self-esteem and self-confidence.
You will become an exciting person
In the cartoon “Futurama,” the robot Bender wants to become a country music singer. He studied all the themes raised by this style and created several songs of his own. But no one wanted to listen to them because Bender lacked sincerity. He sang about things he didn’t understand, and even the right words didn’t help him. That’s how an exciting personality is formed only when there are experiences and opportunities behind it, not retellings of other people’s stories.
How to get out of your comfort zone
Awareness of Change
We’re not asking you to sign up for skydiving immediately because that kind of advice doesn’t get you anywhere. First, you need to do some mindset work.
Think about your goals and aspirations. Are you going in the right direction? If so, is it possible to achieve it all much faster?
At this point, you need to look at your life from the outside. Evaluate yourself. What is your level of motivation? If you have to tune in for hours to get to work, that’s too bad.
At this point, you have already realized what a perverse affect the comfort zone has on your life. You are looking beyond it and beginning to see new possibilities.
Reflect on it. Think about the fact that there is another, more fulfilling life that can change your destiny.
Ask yourself:
- What would I want to change?
- What could this change lead to?
- What specific goals do I want to achieve?
- By achieving these goals, what will I gain?
You have to determine whether this change can ultimately improve your life or if it’s just wishful thinking. In other words, it must benefit not only you but your loved ones as well.
Let’s see what effect this change will have on your environment, including your loved ones.
- How will this change affect my environment?
- What potential problems could result from my stepping out of my comfort zone?
- Can I minimize these problems?
- How will this change affect my loved ones?
Now, look at the change as a whole. Ask yourself:
- Do I feel good when I think about this change? Why?
- Will it benefit me? Why?
- Will it help my loved ones? Why?
- Will it serve the greater good? Why?
- If you answered yes to all these questions, then the decision should be made without hesitation, and it’s time for the final step.
You have to realize that old habits and beliefs are not going anywhere, even if you are now enthusiastic about putting things into action. Patterns are not easy to break, but they are possible. The key is to focus on the right things constantly.
For example, you should feel good about yourself by saying:
- I’m comfortable with this discomfort.
- I can do this. Yes, I’m scared, but I’ll do it.
In a difficult moment, your emotions and thinking can let you down. Then you have to engage your physiology: move and act confidently because “movement creates emotion,” as Tony Robbins says.
Now create a plan and take action. You already know it’s the right thing to do.
Think about how many people, just like you, want to get out of their comfort zone but don’t know how, don’t know where to start, and are afraid. We’ve painted you with many questions that you can answer, not just yes or no, but to dive into your thoughts more broadly and paint them. This very relevant topic will no doubt resonate in other people’s lives. Inite is a place for your thoughts, and every thought is an idea. Please share it with others through Inite and become a better version of yourself!
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