Inspiration and the ability to get down to business quickly
4 min readAug 17, 2022


You must have experienced an incredible feeling of inspiration and enthusiasm when an idea comes to your mind, and you immediately have the strongest desire to get down to business. Not by putting it off or forcing yourself, as is usually the case. This rush of energy instantly activates both your body (you can’t sit still) and your mind (you’re thinking of ways to implement). Why does this happen, and how do you learn to induce this state in yourself artificially?

There is no simple and unambiguous answer. Inspiration comes to people in different ways. What inspires you will never touch the soul of another person. However, while differences do exist, impulse usually occurs when:

  • you live with passion in your soul;
  • you are incredibly interested in the world and the people around you;
  • you spend enough time alone and reflecting;
  • you’re learning a lot of new things;
  • you have a whole unique experience;
  • talking to other people;
  • brainstorming;
  • being pinned down by the vicissitudes of fate.

All of these conditions provide you with the opportunity to find something special to help you get inspired. However, it’s hard to do if you can’t manage your emotions effectively and are stuffed with unhelpful beliefs and unrealistic expectations. These factors will sabotage your progress and prevent you from moving forward optimally.

If you want to learn how to get down to business quickly without overthinking and with inspiration, follow these step-by-step recommendations. Of course, when we say “fast,” it doesn’t mean that 20 seconds later, you’ll roll up your sleeves and create, whistling, your business. It’s all relative, it depends on the case and the specific situation, but it generally shows how to overcome the stupor and start acting.

Step One: Know What You Want

Imagine that you are sitting on the couch, and the work (which is not yet particularly inspiring) seems complicated and not very pleasant. However, it may not be a job, and the problem or purpose, but the essence is the same.

Essentially, it all boils down to some change you would like to make.

To get clarity about what you want, ask yourself:

  • What goal would I like to accomplish?
  • What specifically do I want to do?
  • What specifically do I want to create?
  • Is it meaningful to me? Why?

Sincerely answering the last question is a fundamental key to finding inspiration. It’s important because you generally won’t be inspired to do something if it has no meaning to you. Enough “why” triggers a more excellent burst of energy.

Step Two: Create a schedule for inspiration

Many people assume that inspiration is something that comes unexpectedly when you least expect it. Indeed it happens sometimes, but with some people, it happens much more often and at just the right moment. Why? They consciously seek inspiration rather than wait passively for it.

Creating a schedule for inspiration is:

  • Stop being distracted by unnecessary nonsense (news, social media, watching videos).
  • Get rid of useless emotions and thoughts through meditation or journaling.
  • Since the search for inspiration is an active process, you should consciously allocate time (at least 5 minutes) to achieve it.
  • This last point is critical because the brain is sluggish, and if you instruct it to achieve something within 60 minutes, that’s how long it will spend. But don’t give yourself too much time — your psychological state can be changed in a couple of minutes.

You have to find and save every day what inspires you. It can be a quote, pictures, music — anything that makes you want to reach your goal. Compile your base of inspiration.

Step three: research your ideas.

As you spend those precious moments searching for inspiration, you may come up with a few ideas that will help you achieve your goal, solve a problem, or create something revolutionary. It is important not to reject pictures but to write them down and develop them. Therefore, you must keep your mind open at all times throughout this process.

Whenever you encounter any idea, significant or not, you need to write it down.

Step Four: Figure out what you need

Ideas are good, but there can be hundreds of them. It’s essential to find the most valuable one and figure out what resources you need to make it happen.

Let’s assume that after researching ideas, you are inspired to:

  • create a business;
  • write a book;
  • start a blog;
  • become an artist.

It’s time to start developing a concrete action plan to help bring that idea to life. To create such a plan, ask yourself

  • What steps do I need to take to make the idea a reality?
  • What is the first step?
  • What specific skills might I need?
  • What knowledge and information do I need?
  • Whose support do I need?
  • What resources and tools do I need?
  • What else might I need to make the idea a reality?

These questions are not to get too hung up on details but to get clarity. Because with clarity comes confidence, which allows you to move forward.

Step Five: Take Immediate Action

Once you have a general idea of the steps you need to take to move forward, it’s time to take immediate action. Remember that inspiration is fleeting. If you are inspired, then this is the right time.

Many people are afraid to get to business even in a burst of inspiration, so don’t waste a second. It would help if you had a first and very positive action, which will give a concrete result and will get a powerful charge of energy.

So even if there is no inspiration, start taking action anyway. No one achieves greatness by waiting for something to happen. Great people achieve their goals whether or not they have motivation. They know that appetite comes with food.

We wish you the best of luck!

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