Motivation in Theory and Practice
7 min readAug 25, 2021


Motivation — is the kickstart of innovation, an energy generator of life, well-being, and success. That’s the “why” of our needs and deeds. To make the most of it in practice, one should learn the ropes of its fundamental theories. For this, Inite will feed you with the crux of well-known concepts, give some inspiring tips, and represent the perks of cognitive motivation our game is based on.

Concepts of Motivation

Motivation is the process of initiating, leading, and completing goals based on biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces. All they were studied and structured. Have you ever heard of Maslow, Alderfer, McClelland, Herzberg, Vroom, Porter & Lawler, Jung, Hull, Pavlov, and Locke? These scientists and psychologists have burnt the candle at both ends to distinguish the nature of motivation. Let’s harvest their knowledge.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

According to Maslow’s theory, motivation comes out from human needs that are hierarchically ranked. When the basic ones are not catered, the more complex ones mean nothing. The basics are primarily physiological, including food, water, sex, shelter, sleep, and clothes as the key motivators. Next, the basics involve safety needs represented by the need for well-being and personal, emotional, and financial security.

The second level of demands is psychological: all you need is love in all forms, with family, friendship, and intimacy as the core. Otherwise, there is no adequate self-esteem and no way up towards the third level of personal necessities of becoming the best of you via acquiring new skills, working hard, creating, and reaching life goals.

Consequently, to obtain considerable life motivation, one should work hard on the essential elements of well-being. If you follow this linear concept with Inite, you will learn to move from the first level to the top creatively. For example, you can start with our tasks to produce exclusive cooking recipes to be full as a boot, safe, and sound. Next, you will obtain admiration and love for your creativity and culinary abilities. Then, who knows, maybe you will set a goal of opening your restaurant? The ultimate thing is that you will not be hangry during the process!

Alderfer’s ERG theory


Alderfer redefined Maslow’s theory and divided the hierarchy of his predecessor into the three ERG levels represented by existence, relatedness, and growth. Maslow’s physiological needs and Maslow’s safety needs form the existence category. Social and self-esteem needs are in the relatedness category. Self-actualization is the growth category.

The crucial difference is that Maslow’s attitude to motivation is linear. At the same time, Alderfer offers the so-called progression and regression theory: the intensity of desire to meet the needs doesn’t depend on their place in the hierarchy but the low degree of their satisfaction. Inite looked ahead to this approach: with our app, you can track the complacency of your needs and control the shaping of your motivation.

McClelland’s Three Needs Theory

McClelland figured out that contemporary life meets the basic needs described by Alderfer and Maslow. So, humans are moved by the three high motivations: the need for achievement, affiliation, and power. The psychologists claimed that people of all ages, sex, race, and culture have these motivations, but their forces depend on individual experiences.

Download Inite to achieve goals, get affiliation from our supportive community and accumulate the power via disciplining yourself and others in our game. Additionally, with the constant usage of the app, you will indeed define the core type of your motivation to focus on its development.

Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory

Herzberg divided that job, and life satisfaction depends on the two elements — motivators and hygiene factors. Motivators are psychological needs to reach goals corresponding to recognition, responsibility, and opportunities to do something meaningful. Hygiene factors (HF) are the material aspects, such as job security, salary, conditions, insurance, and vacations. Herzberg has emphasized that HF doesn’t boost motivation, but their dissatisfaction diminishes the powers of motivators.

Though Inite can’t directly influence your HF, it can shape your motivators and teach you to improve the material aspects of your joy with daily creative tasks.

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Vroom claims that the intense need is not the only motivation engine: people expect some reward for their actions. The critical elements of the theory include valence, expectancy, and instrumentality. The valence is the level of satisfaction with the result. The expectancy is the anticipation of actions leading to the needed target. The instrumentality is the hope to get the reward.

The motivational force combines all the components. Inite has them all: we gather the motivational tasks to satisfy you emotionally, support your confidence on your way to the goal, and boost your instrumentality with tokens to reward you. So give it a try!

The Model of Porter & Lawler

Porter and Lawler shaped the model of motivation that roots in Vroom’s theory and is supplemented with the theory of justice. In a nutshell, the more effort a person puts into their actions, the more emotional feedback from these actions a person has. Consequently, the work results don’t lead to the exact level of satisfaction, but the pleasure during the work leads to the higher results being the motivation itself.

Inite considers this process theory of motivation and supports you on your way to your goal. Install the game and be sure: eating and scratching want but a beginning.

Jung’s Hedonic Motivation

Jung claims that motivation depends on the emotions that follow the actions. If emotions are positive, the motivation to repeat the steps leading to them is born. The negative feedback, on the contrary, restrains actions.

However, even the most positive emotions stop boosting motion once: humans are prone to be fed-up even with the best in their lives, and, if actions lack variability, the positive turn to the negative. Fortunately for the followers of this concept, Inite has reasoned this out: we offer you unique tasks and let you implement them in original ways.

Hull’s Drive Reduction Theory

Hull’s concept, based on the theory of homeostasis, represents the reduction of drives as the primary force behind motivation: every person is interested in reducing the internal tension caused by triggers. For example, a hungry person does everything to get food.

The theory is highly criticized for people who face triggers don’t always overcome them, or, the other way round, implement things they are not forced to. The good news is that, with Inite, you will work your triggers out to make them efficient and get tips on how to react to them comfortably.

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning

Briefly, Pavlov’s concept is based on the constant correlation of triggers and the results of actions caused by them. The motivation proceeds from the positive consequences of the activities that encourage the person to repeat them until they become reflexes.

This theory is widely used in education with positive marks as encouragement. It has a close connection with the concept of memory: the more actions you perform, the easier it is for you to reach your goal, and the more motivated you are to make the most of yourself.

Inite believes in reflexes. That’s why we provide you with tasks systematically, offer you financial gratification, and enable you to form positive habits.

Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory


Locke’s theory of motivation explains what factors influence success in achieving goals. They include the time set for the attainment, the complexity of the aim, and the peculiar specificity of the purpose.

According to Locke, the shorter the period between the start of the goal achieving and the final result, the better this result is. The complexity of the goal, in its turn, determines the magnetism of the target. Additionally, for efficient results, ​​the target is to be precise.

So here we go again: Inite is at your disposal: we set your deadlines, persuade you not to forget about your tasks, boost you to act faster, and offer you clear and fancy targets to think about. But, let us confess, though Inite corresponds to all the fundamental theories of motivation, the game itself is based on cognitive motivation with goal-setting as a part of it.

Cognitive Theory: Essentials

All the studies together, cognitive motivation depends on a person’s cognitions — thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. Cognitive dissonance is the conflict and contradiction to these beliefs. It works as a motivational drive to get back to the positive consonance: a person wants to reduce the pressure and is ready to act. These actions are to be intelligent. Consequently, a human is constantly learning while overcoming difficulties.

Personal knowledge is the key to successful motivation: this is what Inite stands for. Inite triggers you, makes you leave the shell and stirs your intellectual ambitions. Tasks come systematically till the needed reflexes are formed. Meanwhile, you are the one to control your decisions.


Whatever theories of motivation you are prone to believe, first try and then trust. You can mix them all with the cognitive-based Inite. Download this scientifically shaped innovative game that will teach you to think and act creatively and enjoy your motivation in practice.



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The Web3 mindfulness app for supporting your mental health and enhancing creativity. Join daily meditations and ideas sharing in Inite!

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