The Epoch of Overachieving
8 min readDec 1, 2021


The world went wild, with success being the crucial measure of human life. Social media is bursting with examples of professional triumph. Personal development, leadership, and time-management courses monthly attract millions of people. Life coaches make their pile with those who want to achieve more and more but are never satisfied. Sounds crazy? We live in the epoch of overachieving. Inite will define the problem and teach you how to fight this disease.

What is Wrong

The desire to be successful is one of the significant motivations most people have, and that’s a pretty healthy engine of development. However, year after year, public pressure increasingly persuades individuals to load themselves with work for the sake of being a smash. As a result, they are exhausted, face burnouts, and have no time to implement common values, such as comfy communication, love, family, friendship, and hobbies.

Bergman describes the physiological impact of overachieving: whenever a person is put in an achievement-demanding situation, catecholamine outputs (adrenaline and noradrenaline) increase. If the adrenaline level is constantly on the rise, an overachiever can lose much weight. Next, their kidneys and heart get depleted. Then, frequent stress leads to nervous breakdowns and high anxiety. The horrifying results are the increasing rates of people committing suicides due to the pressure of perfection.

Overachievers Defined

Overachievers are defined as the people who perform better or achieve more success than expected. They set big goals and become obsessed with success, which is far from being healthy and efficient. To understand the concept better, let’s distinguish overachievers from high-performers.

Overachievers don’t enjoy the processes they are involved in, they don’t care that much about the quality of their work, they lack passion but are ready to sacrifice themselves to cross the finish line. Whatever they do, they do it for the sake of box-checking and look forward to starting a new task.
High performers are in the process and, though they are also focused on reaching their goals, they are genuinely interested in how they perform. They enjoy their journey towards success and keep on learning the way through.

Consequently, while a high performer works diligently to get good results, an overachiever implements tasks to accomplish them with no quality guaranteed, equivocal results reached, and an obsession formed.

Nature of Overachieving


Human behavior derives from the motivations and life conditions a person faced in childhood. Overachieving in school is the mixture of low self-esteem of a kid, high expectations from teachers or parents, and a basic need of gaining attention and love. The more compassion children get via performing better than their classmates, the more dependent on the public opinion they become. They don’t shape the inner core of personal motivation and reflexively work hard to get positive emotions from their audience.

If not fixed, this model of behavior taps into the adulthood of overachievers. Yesterday classmates called them “whippersnapper.” Today they are described as “workaholics.” Unsurprisingly, such go-getters don’t strive for fame and fortune. They are nuts about work because offices are their shelters, where they can hurl themselves into productivity to hide from other life issues.

Social Boosts

The story is sorrowful because nowadays, overachieving doesn’t often derive from childhood trauma and the lack of life satisfaction. Social media and life standards place success as the vital evaluation of self-actualization. This phenomenon that touches all walks of society can be compared with anorexia among teenage girls: the need for social stroking motivates people to fit the standards, and they become obsessed with the dream of being perfect. As a result, their personalities become dependent on the external and get broken on the internal level.

Society feeds overachieving: it is in vogue to be like Tony Stark, a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. But life can’t imitate art, so trying to be over productive leads to the reverse effect known as hyper-motivation syndrome when results are negatively related to efforts.

Problems and their Solutions

With the causes and consequences of overachieving defined, let’s focus on some preventive health care. Inte has prepared a list of key indicators of an overachiever for you to read, check yourself, and heal with Inite.


“Everything is perfect in its imperfection” isn’t your motto? Be careful: overachievers aim to be perfect in everything they are involved in. They don’t sort out their priorities and keep on teasing their ideals in all aspects of life. Or, maybe you keep on comparing yourself with other human beings and try to compete with those who are a “little bit better” than you at anything — you want to be the one with the most cake just for the sake of being and not the cake. If this sounds familiar to you, make a list of your strengths and weaknesses, if you are scared to do this on your own, calm down — this can be one of your task by Inite.

Discover what keeps you unique and focus on it. It would help if you did not waste energy and time on your “cons” work on your “pros” instead. Next, let yourself fail — everybody makes mistakes, and they are super important for everyone who sets goals. True success is knowing how to resist the stressful side of a failure and enjoy it.

Whatever you or other people do, you set high expectations. Acquaintances find you hard to deal with, but you don’t care. You want better results. Unfortunately, whatever happens, you are never satisfied. Keep in mind that you are responsible for yourself only, and other human beings also have a lot of doubt in themselves — don’t boost it. However, if you have a common goal, you should work your strategy together for everyone to fix the wrong sides and to contribute to the process. For example, while plotting the same strategy with other Inite players, you will learn to allocate duties rationally and to set realistic expectations.

Over human Complex

You do your best to be a jack-of-all-trades who doesn’t need any external help. You can solve everything yourself. You never ask anybody for help, except somebody like your life coach, aren’t you?

To overcome this, build proper relations and connections. Discuss your problems and how to solve them with your close ones. You are not obliged to act as a superhero who can manage whatever happens to you. You deserve love and support, so get it via dialogue and a human touch. If you are not much into bonding offline, don’t give up — Inite can provide you with a friendly community that is always here for you.

Anxiety and Anger

You feel anxious all the time regardless of the amount of caffeine or nicotine you consume and the hours of sleep you have. Have you ever had a panic attack? Do you feel like you are ready to explode with anger and to shout at others? Do you tend to break things down to blow off some steam?

Well, you should work on your mental health together with a specialist, but, first of all, you should recognize your anxiety without criticizing your nervous system for its so-called failure — remember that you can keep on functioning well even if it comes. If you experience it in the moment, take a break, surround yourself with people, drink fresh water, and breathe in slowly. It will go away.

To erase it from your life eternally, take care of yourself: have enough rest, sleep, eat well, start new hobbies, practice sports. Your body and your mind are your key instruments to goal achievement, so treat them nicely.

If the fire of anger keeps on exploding randomly, read more about cognitive behavioral interventions that can change the way you think and act — your thoughts can either fuel your emotions or calm them down. For example, you can craft yourself a hyper-personalized soothing kit with specific things that bring you back to the better and the calmer times when nothing bothered you. This can be a peculiar playlist, a perfume with notes of grass and sugar, sweets that bring your worryless childhood back, or a game, such as Inite, to convert your negative emotions into positive thoughts — Inite can offer you numerous ideas to think them over and to adapt to your personal preferences.

Work Issues

Whenever you come across a cherry pie, you are ready to devour it independent of how much you will be paid for it? You are constantly visiting headhunting services and are all for joining more and more projects and represent yourself as a person who works for five companies at the same time? Don’t forget that you live once only and shouldn’t waste yourself on nothing — before starting something new, ask yourself whether you need this. What will it bring to your life? What will you learn? Does the profit correlate with your efforts?

Are you prone to overworking? Are you the one who starts the work earlier than others and leaves the office later than most of your coworkers? Are you inclined to work ahead of time and to implement tasks relevant in a few months? Let yourself enjoy some breaks. Remember that you can’t work all the time, and efficient work requires refreshed mind — with Inite you can have an efficient pause that will change your attitude to the work process, enable you to set your priorities correctly, and shape your own day pane without pain.

Unhappy Marriages

Overachievers are prone to get stuck in unhappy marriages. They always think that relations can’t be perfect and act the way everything is wrong from the very beginning. Consequently, a severe communication gap is formed. Next, they tend to worsen the situation by being at work all the time, centered on their goals, and not paying enough attention to their better halves.

Then, they bring the stress related to their achievements home via apathy, constant complaints, or anger. As a result, they are constantly uncomfortable with their partners: there is a considerable strain in their actions, from household chores and dialogues to sexual life. If not discussed and fixed, such relations break down, but overachievers don’t want to let their spouses go: they are sure the new attempts of being with someone are likely to be even more terrifying and cold. So, be sure to check whether your love life faces it.

Healing of romantic problems is a long process that involves both partners, but you can be the first to make the change — with Inite you will learn numerous ways to contribute to your love life, figure out fresh ideas of how to spend the time with your better half, to get away from the routine, and to build new point of contact. Moreover, you will find out how to transform your everyday stress into positive actions, so your partner will not be embraced by your anger, anxiety, and depression.

No Relax

Are you focused on the outcome without failures? You seek relief, not the actual result. You don’t want to be criticized because you are the only one who has the power to blame yourself constantly. Maybe you even have a planner and enjoy expunging tasks you’ve completed daily? If that’s your story, you are likely to feel pressure all the time with no yoga, calm music, massage, or cuddling in bed with your loved one to bring you back to life.

If conventional methods of relaxation don’t fit you, let Inite in! Our game is a perfect way to keep your thirst for achievements in balance. You will enjoy daily tasks to boost your creativity and mental skills, find your inspiration and consolation in our healthy and supportive community, cognition-based motivation, and pleasant reward system. Last but not least, you will learn to focus on the quality of your work and manage to control your ambition. The tension will decrease, and you will feel much more relaxed and refreshed.


Achievements rule the world, they bring joy and progress to our life. But overachievements, promoted by the modern media, lead their victims the wrong way round. To get away from this vicious circle, one needs to take care of himself. And Inite is the most outstanding solution to the problem. Heal yourself and build your life healthy.



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The Web3 mindfulness app for supporting your mental health and enhancing creativity. Join daily meditations and ideas sharing in Inite!

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